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Putin warns West of harsh response to unfriendly acts
Read:936  Update Time:2021-04-25  

Russia vowed on Wednesday to quickly respond to unfriendly acts by the West, spare no effort to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic and continue its weapons development, Russian President Vladimir Putin said during his 17th State of the Nation Address in Moscow.

▲ Russian President Vladimir Putin gives his annual State of the Nation Address at the Manezh Exhibition Center in Moscow, Russia, on Wednesday. Photo by Ren Qi/China Daily

He said "unfriendly acts" against Russia by Western countries are continuing without any reason. "Attacking Russia has become some sort of new sport in the West," Putin said, adding that Russia would like to have good relations with every member of the international community.

He criticized Western countries that issue "illegal sanctions" to try to force their will on other nations.

In Wednesday's speech, Putin called on all countries to participate in arms-control talks, and he said Russia is willing to discuss all offensive and defensive systems.

Advanced weaponry in Russia's nuclear triad — strategic aircraft, intercontinental ballistic missiles and nuclear-powered missile-carrying submarines — will top 88 percent this year, he added.

Putin said domestic issues in the post-pandemic era will be more important for the government.

According to the Russian State Statistics Service, the number of Russians with incomes below the subsistence level decreased in the fourth quarter last year to 13.5 million, making up 9.2 percent of the total population. Meanwhile, there were 17.8 million people listed as living in poverty in Russia.

"The most important thing right now is, of course, ensuring the growth of the real incomes of the public — restoring it and guaranteeing its further growth, and achieving tangible changes in the fight against poverty," Putin said.

In his address of an hour and 20 minutes, Putin also stressed the importance of multilateral organizations, including the Shanghai Cooperation Organization — of which Russia is a member — in maintaining global safety and stability.

Putin's speech was the 27th State of the Nation Address in the history of modern Russia. The ceremony was usually attended in person by about 1,000 guests, including State Duma legislators and senators, Cabinet members and presidential administration officials.

This year, the Kremlin didn't disclose the number of those invited to attend and requested all those attending to undergo three nucleic acid tests to prove they have a negative COVID-19 status.


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