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Flooding at GrainCorp Deniliquin halts receivals
Read:576  Update Time:2023-12-01  

IN A STARTLING turnaround in the season, many parts of New South Wales that were blowing dust early this month are now too wet to continue harvest.

In areas where the NSW harvest is yet to finish, Deniliquin with 140mm had the highest registration for the week, and surface water has inundated GrainCorp’s site in the Riverina town.

GrainCorp said the Tuesday night downpour caused flooding around the covered bunkers.

“Harvest was only just getting under way in the area and we weren’t carrying much from last season so the bunker pads are largely empty,” a GrainCorp spokesperson said.

“Our local site experienced some flooding around the covered bunkers and our team is working to protect the grain stored and mitigate the floodwaters.”

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