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Our company went to the Banqiao Qingzhen National Primary School in Shou County, Anhui Province with the General Branch of the Construction of People\'s Livelihood Jianye Nanjing to carry out the activities of “Pairing and Helping students”
Read:1530  Update Time:2018-09-05  

Our company went to the Banqiao Qingzhen National Primary School in Shou County, Anhui Province with the General Branch of the Construction of People's Livelihood Jianye Nanjing  to carry out the activities of “Pairing and Helping students” on April 25, 2018.

We send  copiers, printers and other office supplies, as well as student sporting goods and daily necessities to the school. The donated spring , autumn and winter uniforms  rewrote the history of the school which has been without a unified uniform for 65 years.

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